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Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.Permutoria - Visio and Textual Art by K.S. Ernst and Sheila E. Murphy

Publisher Luna Bisonte Prods
Published August 12, 2008
Language English
Pages 120
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Full color
Dimensions (inches) 8.5 wide × 8.5 tall
Color, vivid and subtle, is a major protagonist in this amazing dialogue of text, text fragments, line, and image; a dialogue not so much between the 2 collaborators (the work is strikingly unified) as between the several modes of expression these pieces exhibit. Truly a unique and wonderful creation! Excerpts from introduction: "This book represents the first consolidated depiction of the Ernst-Murphy collaborative in extended form. Compiling the volume has facilitated the elucidating and sharing what the artists have opted to consider part of an emerging oeuvre." "Visio-textual art draws life from letters, syllables, and words, from line, from curve, to shape, enacting a philosophical geometry in which concept and physical reality are conjoined." "Collaboration is about discovery and surprise. In the experience of working together, the process-based discoveries in visio-textual art are amplified by virtue of the added thought power..."

 http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/permutoria/3360734 is link to preview the book then scroll down to read an expansive review by Bob Grumman, which appeared in SMALL PRESS REVIEW in 2008

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