Includes an Afterword by Mark Young
129 pp.
Includes an Afterword by Mark Young
Jim Leftwich’s BURSTING PRESENTS presents his virtuosity in full flight. It's many things —388 short poems that flow & adhere to create a 388 stanza long poem; a journal of a month; at times a commentary on things read or observed in that period of time. It shares with what Jim describes as "expositions" — seemingly syllable by syllable readings of the poems of others — a desire to explore, to expose, the endoskeleton of the work. It plays with words, it plays on words. As example, "vErbiaGe" transforms to "foLiaGe VeRbaTim" in the space between poems. The word "bard," variously defined as a skilled poet-singer, a story teller, verse-maker, oral historian, & genealogist, springs to mind when I consider Jim's work. Add to that its spontaneity & lack of hesitation, the rapid transition from idea to idea, & we're delving into the improvisation of the masters, whether it be the staccato Monk or the ebullient Parker. BURSTING PRESENTS enhances the breadth & depth of an already impressive poetic canon. - From the Afterword by Mark Young
129 pp.
The Shape of Air: Fragments
Iván Argüelles
86 pages
Includes Afterwords by Jack Foley & John M. Bennett
No other poet is as consistently enchanting as Argüelles. He seems to draw on these spirits of the air in an effortless eloquence that falls into the mind like rain – sometimes in a torrent, sometimes in a delicate music that harmonizes with silence so completely that we understand both as one and the same. He has always been a poet of prophetic intensity, but in these poems he often articulates a jarring beauty so intimately transformative that one hardly realizes a spell has been cast. - Jake Berry
This shape of air: fragments, one of Argüelles' strongest and most ecstatic recent works, invokes that extremely complex experience, one that occurs in the context of language, the shape (or air) of our very being: “in the beginning word was the voice of the absent one”. In the multiplicity of “meanings” or perspectives or resonances of this opening phrase can be sensed the depth and height, and the narrow precision and broad width of Argüelles' vision. - Dr. John M. Bennett
"... we must remember that “visual writing,” the basic subject of discussion in this collection of reviews, does not per se contain or represent specific writings or specific texts. Visual writing and visual poetry demonstrate the way language works, the characteristic attributes of its generative substantiveness—its unblemished patterns, its many structures—its dominion, its universality. The politics and antiquated modalities of colonialism and subjugation are removed from the very conception and constitution of language structure and political and economic activity: permitting “even triviality in discourse, commonplaces, redundancy, intelligibility...” ... Visual writing and visual poetry make use of the implicit semantic field as one in which “fragmentation” and ambiguity present truthful if tenuous patterns and universes of possibility that contain “both illusion and reality.” -Tom Hibbard
ISBN 9781938521584
THREE PIECES by John M. Bennett - Realizations for Piano by Tom Furgas - Audio CD with booklet of the visual scores, $10 US postpaid - to John M. Bennett, 137 Leland Ave., Columbus, OH 43214 usa - or Paypal to bennettjohnm@gmail.com
LEG MIST, John M. Bennett
Poetry, including visual poems by the author
177 pp.
ISBN 9781938521577
The dream of blood the dream of fountain pens on the window bang bang la pinche descarnada in the moat worms lengua de madera yr name off ff inds yr nname was tines yr book re moved espejo de grava garabatos to be read run dust falling from the fridge dream of sssilence sensa tez de hoja inescrita thrumming in a cloak of bees the dark letters of your skin it's meat inside yr phone form split form split storm spit word wheel wheel turd meal ppapel rasgado que me llee el center of time's tail in mouth escríbame con lluvia mas no me rajes no me nombres onda tumba : j'ai haine de la poésie w i n d wind w i n d ~ ~ ~