Entries by John M. Bennett (164)


ARTHUR DIES: First Chronicle, Heirs of Constantine, Vol. IV, The pen-Dragons Return


ARTHUR DIES: First Chronicle, Heirs of Constantine, Vol. IV, The pen-Dragons Return



In this 4th volume of Arthur Dies, the literary, experimental and multilingual excitement ramps up several notches, including several pages of visual guides and visual poetry. The great Merlin shows up, wearing a plague mask, and there are hints that Arthur himself may be on the verge of being born; is it true?! This is not just a re-telling of a famous legend/history, but a re-imagining and re-creating of a story/myth that encompasses all of history and all of human imagination. About an earlier volume of Lindsann's epic project, Iván Argüelles said: “This is in fact an epic both in the traditional sense of the word, and in the approach of an anti-poetics perspective of what can be undone in that tradition. In its sweeping texts and contexts it embodies not only the imagined or fictive culture of the twilight era alluded to, but those of our own post-modern and failed civilization with all its cultural and literary -isms that have arisen from an original 'avant-garde'. Lindsann combines the mythical Avalon with Blake's Albion, pursuing these emblematic nomenclatures to their illogical fusion in an always enigmatic concatenation of events and personages flung about in a supreme and deft literary whirl.” This new volume is enriched with four appendices, which provide a narrative synopsis of the previous volumes, a list of principal characters, a social glossary, and a list of sources. All of which are extremely useful for following the development of this incredible epic anti-poem, a work which redefines both poetry and epic. - John M. Bennett


263 pp.

ISBN 9781938521713

$25 US




POETRY MAKES THINGS HAPPEN: Poems, Essays, Texts, Afterwords, Blurbs, Notes...


For Jim Leftwich, the boundary between poetry and criticism, or more accurately, between poetry and writing about poetry, is extremely porous. This book should make that very clear; in fact, here it is sometimes hard to tell whether a text is “original poetry” or his writing “about poetry”. Which suggests that the distinction may not be all that important. (Another such book is one he wrote focused on my own work, or using my work as a springboard, Containers Projecting Multitudes: Expositions on the Poetry of John M. Bennett, 2019.) This is perhaps an outgrowth of his practice of making “hacks” of others' poetry and texts, which is in itself a means of entering into, and remaking aspects of, another's work, using a wide variety of processes ranging from the arbitrary and deliberate, to the improvisational and purely intuitive. What this does is to turn the process of writing about poetry on its head. Instead of applying a preordained critical method or theory to a text, Leftwich presents, as it were in “real time”, an account of what it was like, of what happened, when he read the text. We thus have a narration of a real experience of reading. For me, and for many of us in this new literary avant garde, this is vastly more interesting and useful than the use of a text to support or illustrate a particular literary (or other) ideology. Leftwich's work in this regard is unique, exciting, and represents real progress in the “problem” of “how to read poetry”, and of how to write it as well. -¬ John M. Bennett


245 pp.


$22.00 US




HAVING BEEN NAMED by John M. Bennett


De-Reading Popol Vuh & De-Rerading Iván Argüelles' The Shape of Air

With an Introduction, Una Otreidad Lingüística, by Iván Argüelles

by John M. Bennett


Bennett's realignment of this fabulous text is divided into 26 somewhat brief, but incredibly beautiful, dense, unpunctuated and asyntactic sections, each with its own title. The overall effect reading these passages is that of a sublime but often disturbing dream, that requires its own rules and sets of margins or lack thereof. The relentless run-on flow of words as enactments of sounds dredged from an archaic distance has affinities with not just earth's surface but more precisely what lies underneath, an inherent chthonic Hell. Bennett's oneiric vision plunges the reader into a shadowy, indefinable alternate reality, an aphasia of the senses. Things more often unnamed--murders, children, cries, vengeances pass through a misty lens, light transmogrified by language into a tenuous dark other-world. The text is short enough to be read in one sitting and should be in order to get its full effect, a powerfully mesmerizing excursion through this telescoped concise language into a turbulent epic scenario, not unlike the constantly shifting nuances of the Mahabharata, except that here we are in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. - Iván Argüelles


ISBN 9781938521707

41 pp.





LIBRO NCARISTA por Roberto Net Carlo


Roberto Net Carlo

Roberto Net Carlo (Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 1954). Poeta y artista que propaga su obra extensa y alucinante como Roberto Ncar en Facebook, es un “vallejiano urbano” según Rafael Acevedo. Sobre Ncar, dice Ana Lindner: “Tratando de establecer un orden en su propio caos existencial, convida vida a esta conjunción de imagen y palabra, entre la realidad contextualizada y el lenguaje pérfido en su función expresiva: logra, así, una poética mordiente mediante la reelaboración permanente de nuevos dispositivos poéticos puestos en la escena de lo cotidiano.” Una cotidianidad que incluye una visión aguda de los estragos del colonialismo en su tierra natal. El libro incluye algunos poemas visuales.


Poesía y poesía visual

En Español

147 páginas

ISBN 9781938521676

$17.00 US







Iván Argüelles

DIARIO DI UN OTTOGENARIO: Poema con Más Lágimas que Manos

The title means "Diary of an Eighty-Year-Old: A Poem with More Tears than Hands"; the poems or cantos are in English. The Book is a long, intense, lyrical, and often surreal meditation/recollection of a life in all its complexities, with frequent immersions into the loss of friends and family. In short this is a stunningly beautiful, unique, and unsentimentalized invocation of life and its mirror image, death. Argüelles remains at the peak of his powers with this unforgettably intimate, universal, and deeply human work, "where sleep is freed / from waking".


$20.00 US

214 pp.

ISBN 9781938521669



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