Entries by John M. Bennett (164)
nths client satyr by Peter Ganick
One stanza from "nths client satyr" will arouse your curiosity:
a rogue wander in zone contrarian fluster
mode from accordance to prelude impe-
rious caftan mirror 'gainst circuitry bloke
rename valse oreilles dreadlocks nuage
69 pp., $10 US, order from
Visual Poetry in a Full Color chapbook by the Editor of Otoliths.
$7.00 US postpaid from
Luna Bisonte Prods
137 Leland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43214 USA
NOW BLANK SKY by Joan Payne Kincaid & John M. Bennett
NOW BLANK SKY by Joan Payne Kincaid and John M. Bennett is a long textual and visual collaborative poem created over a 15-year period (2000-2014). The poets exchanged the work through the mail, each time adding two lines, with each addition being a response to the previous two lines. The style is at times playful, serious, surreal, dadaesque, and very much in the spirit of a Japanese Renga. Includes color collaborative drawings or word art.
FIAT LUX by Ivan Argüelles
Fiat Lux is Ivan Argüelles’ Odyssey through all human history and literature, as well as through the kaleidoscope of his own life memories.... Portions of Fiat Lux soar as high as any American poetry since Pound's Pisan Cantos.- Fred Bauman. Fiat Lux is most of all about language, the great gibberishes out of which creation and languages come, and the Law of Time...- Sharon Doubiago. One can read in Fiat Lux an epic poem as it might be dreamed; or perhaps the dream of a culture in which the epic consciousness has been repressed, yet endlessly renews just beneath the skin of thought, in endless metamorphosis, pursuing mortal pleasure....In this world where Chronos is playful, Freud has shacked up in Pythia, one reads our culture's fevered dreams as oracles and symptoms. These prophetic anxieties are a babel of stories, of voices, of worlds, they are the fragments of languages, scattered like shattered beer bottles or amphorae along the highway. - Olchar E. Lindsann.
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